If we couldn’t laugh we would all go insane. – Jimmy Buffett

There have been so many ridiculous, laugh-out-loud things that have happened since Kevin died. I know Kevin is laughing with us, so feel it’s okay to share the ridiculousness. We were right in the middle of summer lacrosse tournament season when Kevin died. In fact, he died at a lacrosse tournament. The irony, or appropriateness of this, is not lost on us.

After Kevin died, the boys wanted to keep playing in their tournaments. How would we make this happen? How could I show up to cheer on my kids when our life had just been flipped upside down? I guess the answer is a combination of shock and wanting to see my kids act normal. So, we put on our bravest faces and showed up. Like we always have.

For one tournament, we decided both sets of grandparents should come. So, my 12-year-old and I drove four grandparents to his lacrosse tournament. He was in shock they were all coming, and I was laughing at the silliness of it all. We looked like something out of National Lampoon’s vacation. We survived and I think everyone enjoyed the tournament.

The other thing I laugh about is the three dogs that are now regular guests in my house … our dog Casper, my in-laws’ dog Spencer, and my sister in laws dog Charlie. They are adorable and make us smile, but together they set off a four-alarm fire drill when someone comes to the door. And you can imagine how many people were coming to the door in that first month after Kevin died. Again, I know this would’ve driven Kevin insane and made us all laugh at the same time. So, we laugh out loud whenever we can.